Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Tao og jing chi


Leonard Cohen

De kymiske bryllup

Den alkymistiske proces af enhed mellem det maskuline og det feminine.
Drager på spring og tiger i skjul.
Den røde og den hvide tinctur.

Overleveret alkymistisk, tantrisk og taoistisk.
og konstant bekæmpet af de internationale og anti-sexuelle organisationer.

"The masculine belongs to the Yang.
Yang's particular thing is that it can be easily aroused,
But it gives up very quickly, almost instantly.
The feminine belongs to the Yin.
Yin's particular thing is that it is slow, even hard to arouse,
But it is also hard enough to be stopped after awakening."


The Order of the heart


Thursday, July 05, 2007

The terro of the situation - I see that I not have been on this weblog sinces march 2005 and only once i 2006. Sorry I was hung up in one of the mortal sins "identification".

G.I .Gurdjieff

The following books contain the information given by Mr. G.I. Guedjieff.

Book 1 "All and every thing - Belzebubs talls to his grandson"
Book 2 "Meetings with remarkebel men"
Book 3 "Life is only real then when I am"

fifty rooms

digetal nigth

do YOU KNOW who AM I
